Ionska – prstoklady – anglo-americké značenie
Ionic mode – scale from the basic (rote) tone „C“
upper left index = numerical designation of the interval relative to the root tone
right upper index = recommended fingering
Diatonická dur – ionska stupnica (prstoklady na tesno)
Natural (ionic) scale (tight fingers) – large photo – click here!
Classic positional game – for a tight solution always covering 4 consecutive frets (positions, logically connected to each other, i.e. e.g. in the 1st classical – tight position the index finger plays 1 position, in the second the middle finger plays, in the third – the ring finger and in the fourth – the little finger of the fretting hand (the fingers together cover the first 4 positions of the guitar fretboard).
Ionic mode – scale from the basic (rote) tone „C“
Diatonická dur – ionska stupnica – rozšírené prstoklady
Natural (ionic) scale from „C“ (extended fingers) – large photo – click here!
Playing in extended positions – allows you to serve more than four consecutive positions (most often five). However, it requires greater extensibility of the fingers of the tactile hand.