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Description of the virtual guitar fingerboard – superhmatník

Popis superhmatníku – Description of the super fretboard

popis virtuálneho gitarového hmatníka (super gitarový hmatník)

1 = struny na gitare / guitar strings: E – A – d -g – b – e

2 = sedlový pražec / nut

3 = pražce na gitare / guitar frets

4 = ľavý horný index – označenie intervalu / left upper index = interval designation (marking of the interval – see the table with intervals)

5 = polohy (medzi pražcami) na hmatníku / positions (between the frets) on the guitar fingerboard (guitar positions)

6 = farebné označenie tónov / color marking of tones (notes on the guitar fretboard)

7 = orientačné značky – bodky / orientation marks – dots

8 = pravý horný index  / right superscript (right upper index) = recommended fingering

9 = použitie kapodastra (označenie polohy kapodastra na hmatníku gitary / use of the capo (marking the position of the capo on the guitar fingerboard

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 = ako 6 ale modré čísla popisujú priamo stupne (aj všeobecne intervaly) v stupnici: 1 = základný tón, 2 = supertonika, 3 = vrchná medianta, 4 = subdominanta, 5 = dominanta, 6 = spodná medianta 7 = citlivý tón (ak by to bola mala septima 7b tak = subtónika)

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 = like 6, but the blue numbers directly describe the degrees (also generally intervals) in the scale: 1 = fundamental tone, 2 = supertonic, 3 = upper mediant, 4 = subdominant, 5 = dominant, 6 = submediant 7 = leading tone (if it was a minor seventh 7b so = subtonic)


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